南京坤然智能科技有限公司是一家從事信息系統軟硬件開(kāi)發(fā)和集成的公司。公司以物聯(lián)網(wǎng)為基礎,以數據為核心,利用邊緣計算、云計算、人工智能等技術(shù),實(shí)現海量異構工業(yè)數據集成,幫助企業(yè)構建業(yè)務(wù)智能創(chuàng )新系統,支持新模式、新業(yè)態(tài),為企業(yè)數字化轉型賦能。
公司擁有專(zhuān)業(yè)的技術(shù)和管理人員及高素質(zhì)的銷(xiāo)售隊伍,在系統集成、自動(dòng)化系統、電力設施等方面的建設,積累了豐富的專(zhuān)業(yè)化工程實(shí)施經(jīng)驗。公司精益求精的同時(shí)也將銳意進(jìn)取,不斷創(chuàng )新的精神融入到公司產(chǎn)品中,為客戶(hù)提供安全、可靠、穩定的產(chǎn)品!
公司擁有專(zhuān)業(yè)的技術(shù)和管理人員及高素質(zhì)的銷(xiāo)售隊伍,在系統集成、自動(dòng)化系統、電力設施等方面的建設,積累了豐富的專(zhuān)業(yè)化工程實(shí)施經(jīng)驗。公司精益求精的同時(shí)也將銳意進(jìn)取,不斷創(chuàng )新的精神融入到公司產(chǎn)品中,為客戶(hù)提供安全、可靠、穩定的產(chǎn)品!

Nanjing Kunran Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a company engaged in the development and integration of information system software and hardware. Based on the Internet of Things and data as the core, the company uses edge computing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies to achieve massive integration of heterogeneous industrial data, help companies build business intelligence innovation systems, support new models and new formats, and digitize enterprises Empowering transformation.
The company has professional technical and management personnel and a high-quality sales team, and has accumulated rich professional implementation experience in the construction of system integration, automation systems, and power facilities. At the same time that the company strives for excellence, it will also forge ahead and continuously innovate into the company's products,providing customers with safe products!
The company has professional technical and management personnel and a high-quality sales team, and has accumulated rich professional implementation experience in the construction of system integration, automation systems, and power facilities. At the same time that the company strives for excellence, it will also forge ahead and continuously innovate into the company's products,providing customers with safe products!